I don’t know about you, but so many of my friends and family seem to be scattered all over the country these days – or even the world! In fact, that’s a big part of the reason I started this business, and why I love greeting cards – because I have a lot of friends that I don’t get to see very often, and I love sending them cards in the post to let them know I’m thinking of them even when we can’t be together.
At this time of year, we’re all getting our Christmas shopping done and I always find myself wondering about how I can get thoughtful gifts to my loved ones without spending a fortune on postage, and without worrying about them being home to receive parcels that won’t fit through their letterbox! The best way to solve both problems is to find a gift that you can just pop in the envelope along with their Christmas card. Here are a few of my favourite ideas!
1. A gift voucher
This seems like the most obvious idea, but make it personal and it’ll be really appreciated. A friend of mine gave me a voucher for one of my favourite independent bookshops for my birthday, a bookshop that the two of us have actually spent lots of time browsing in together, and it made me feel like she knows me so well – I can’t wait to choose a book to spend it on!
2. Stationery
Etsy is absolutely rammed with adorable stationery bits that would make lovely gifts this Christmas. Stickers, postcards, decals and bookmarks all fit easily into an envelope and will really make your friends smile. Check out OliveAndMabelCo, TheTinyToucan or EsmeLDesigns on Etsy for some of my favourites!
3. Jewellery
Lots of jewellery, especially smaller necklaces and earrings, will fit into an envelope to be posted. Just make sure they’re protected from getting damaged on the journey! Primrose Path (primrosepathcornwall.co.uk) and Myleti Jewellery (myletijewellery.com) have some really beautiful pieces available right now.
4. An unframed print
This might not fit inside a card (unless it’s a mini postcard-sized print), but it would still fit in an envelope that wouldn’t cost much at all to post. Check out my selection of A5 and A4-sized prints, which can even be sent straight to the recipient with a personal gift message from you – easy peasy!
5. Tickets to a show, concert or sports match that you know they’re dying to go to, or vouchers for a spa to get a massage or a facial – studies have shown that we’re heading into an ‘experience economy’ where people prefer to spend their money on experiences rather than just more stuff, so it’s the perfect time to treat someone you love to a great day out rather than more objects to clutter up their home!
6. If you’re on a tight Christmas budget (or you’re just feeling creative!), you could make something to pop in their card. You could write them a poem, create some artwork, or make your own voucher or ticket, e.g. for dinner at your house, or to help them with something. Get crafty! Something you’ve made yourself will mean the world to whoever receives it, even if you didn’t spend much (or any!) money.
I hope that gives you some good ideas for how to treat your far away loved ones this year, and maybe even support some small businesses along the way!
